It has been my pleasure to officially announce that I've graduated from my internship with Nuffnang today!
Woah, it has been an enriching ride with Nuffnang and definitely with you guys on the bus! (The hippest bus with Nick scaring a few individuals once in a while)
I will be coming up with a blog (yes for the third time) that I will update it frequently. I will link you guys up once that is official.
As for my position, of course I will still be in SPI, but this time round, as a blogger. So people will be hounding for my attendance instead of me! Heh.
Huiwen will officially take over my position as the SPI's Blogger Liasion Executive. So do give her your utmost support!
I am going back to school in a week's time and I will be mugging for a super HEAVY sem ahead.
With that, this is your dearly, tissue paper man, Scotty signing off!

wahliao. thats damn fast! O_O
Alright! All the best, Scott!
Coming this Sunday?
Scot's leaving!!
BooHoo.... *proceeds to blow some scott tissue paper*
omg! so sad! no more emails from scotty!
but..but.. you will now become a full-fledged member of SPI! lols.
Hey Scott
God bless...
Hey Scott
God bless...
Hey Scott
God bless...
wah spam. >_<
all the best to your studies..
will be waiting for your blog! *faster la, i want to read!!!*
*standing ovation
START YOUR BLOG SOOOON! (but I reckon because of the Super heavy sem due to the modules you have chosen, you wont be any more free as now)
I would like to dedicate this song to u bro!!
Scotty doesnt know Scotty doesnt knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!
Dun tell Scotty, cuz Scotty doesnt knowwwww
so Please dun be like that and be aware of everything!! :-D
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